Buy the CD!

An Innocent Diversion - CD

'A tremendously convincing, authentic and skilful representation
of the performance of the time'

'I loved the simple ornamentation - the duo worked beautifully together'

A CD was released on 25th August 2011: 'An Innocent Diversion'. You can read more about the disc here.

Payment by Post

Please take up your finest quill, and make payment with a cheque drawn in Great British Sterling, made payable to 'N W Daisley', and send to this address:

c/o 45 Park Close
Cutteslowe Park

The pricing, which includes p&p is as follows:

£11 for purchase within UK and Europe
£12 for purchases from the USA and Canada
£13 for puchases in the great world beyond

For further information please get in touch with the Oxford Jane Austen Group by email, or with Frank by telephone, 044 (1)865 515295.

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